Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Man's Nature Is Good

The article "Man's Nature is Good" mainly talks about Kung Fu Tzu which is known in the west as confucius and Meng Tzu known as Mecius and their views on the man's nature of being good, and Mecius believing that it is good. He was a famous philosopher and wrote during the Warring States in China. During this time many religions were being discovered and being tested so that China could find out which one could promise political stability. Confucian's answer to this was, "good government requires good leaders, and good leaders must be good people."(94.) Kao Tzu believed that human nature was neither inherently good nor evil and Mencius and his disciples believed that love and respect were from internal feelings from human nature. "there is not such thing as a person who isn't good, just as there's no water that doesn't flow downhill."(95). This quote really stood out to me since I too believe that there is good in every person. Everyone has a heart and compassion for someone and I think that is what makes us human. Another quote that goes along with this same argument is, "Without the heart of Humanity and Duty alive in us, how can be human? When we abandon this noble heart, it's like cutting those forest."(97). This basically goes with my idea that there is good in everyone. I am also the kind of person that wants to see the good in everything because I am a more optimistic person, and believe that a person can change.

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