Thursday, March 29, 2012

Man's Nature Is Evil

The article "Man's Nature Is Evil" is an article based on the believes of the philosopher Hsün Tzu. He believes that human were born evil. In his book he argues with other philosophers and their beliefs. Tzu believes that since every man was born evil that strict discipline and undergo harsh punishment had to be enforced to make humans good. He said that "Godness is the result of conscious activity." It also goes on to say that "He is born with feelings of envy and hate, and if he indulges these, they will lead him into violence and crime, and all sense of loyalty andy good faith will disappear."(101). I don't understand how they know that a person is born with hate and envy. I disagree with this and I am a little confused by this theory. Tzu also believes that for a man to become good he must undo "training." The quote says, "Man must first be transformed by the instructions of a teacher and guided by ritual principles."(101). I am also confused by this because who gets to decide what is "right" and how you make the distinction. They said that these things would be taught by sages, but who are these sages and how do they become sages? I think and feel as though his philosophy does not make any sense. Maybe that why after the empire fell his teachings were banned

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