Monday, February 6, 2012


The article Panopticon is mainly about us being "watched" at all times. it talks about how we are being surveillanced and all out information is being recorded at all times. On the web nothing ever gets erased, thats why we are told to be careful as to what we decide to post on the web. One bad step and it could cost you a new job that we are trying to apply for. Now a days we hear about job interviewers searching their applicants on the web even before they get to meet them in person, because they could basically get inside on them to see who they really are from what they post on their Facebooks or other social network. Because of silly mistakes, even celebrities have gotten in trouble with the web and have things on the internet that will never be forgotten. For example Kim Kardashian sex tape, or the inappropriate photos Miley Cyrus took of herself. It is very hard to keep things private these days on the internet because as this article reinforces everything is being recorded into a database.

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