Monday, February 6, 2012

Artificial Intelligence Questions

1. Is it possible to create a human robot? In what ways?
- You can make a robot look like a human from the outside but the inside can never compare and cannot be mimicked.

2. What does it mean to be human? What sets us apart from machines?
- emotions such as fear, love, and anger. We also have the ability to reproduce as to where a robot has to be built. We humans also have the ability to grow up.

3. What can machines do better than humans and why?
- They are far more intelligent than humans. They are pretty much invincible, they have endless life.

4. Can a robot love?
- I don't think a robot can love. I think it can be taught to have a high amount of respect for someone, but they can't experience love like we can.

5. If a robot could love, could a human love it?
- I don't think we could love a robot, it would not be an unconditional love like a parent and their child.

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