Monday, January 30, 2012

The Loss of the Real

The article The Loss of the Real is mainly about how animations of things, take away from the real life characteristics and actions of things because animated characters are created to appeal to people. The article gives an example of the disney crocodile versus a real life crocodile. The disney crocodile has more dramatic features while real crocodiles don't really do half the things that are portrayed in the animation. One quote that I found interesting was one of Stephen L. Talbott's quotes, "years of exciting nature programming have comprised wildlife experience for children."(29) I really agree with this quote. I think that the animation of things really play games with your mind, and kids become disappointed to find out that the animation of things are not the same as the reality of things. I myself have been fooled by this. A lot of T.V shows portrayed high school as a horrible place where drama was endless and the jocks were the coolest. This scared me to death, and I did not want to go to high school, but come to find out high school was nothing like it is portrayed in television shows, which came as a relief.  Another quote that I found significant is, "We build our ideas about what is real and what is natural with the cultural materials available."(28) I feel like nowadays people seem to feel uncomfortable talking on the web or though text message, no one likes to meet in person. The two questions that I have for the author is, Have you ever been fooled by the animation of something versus the reality? Are you more comfortable talking in person or over the web?

1 comment:

  1. I like how you shared your example of being fooled by false reality and how you can relate to the author because of it. Your questions also go directly with what you are saying wrapping up your opinion of the piece.
